يَا إِمَامَ الرُّسْلِ
O Leader of the Prophets

يَــا إِمَــامَ الــرُّسُــلِ يَــا سَــنَــدِي
أَنْــتَ بَـــابُ الــلــهِ مُــعْــتَــمَــدِي
yaā imaāmal rrusuli yaā sanadī
anta baābu Allahi muʿtamadī
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
فَــبِــدُنْــيَــايَ وَآخِــرَتِــي
يَــارَسُــولَ الــلــهِ خُــذْ بِــيَــدِي
fabidunyaāya wa ākhiratiī
yaārasuwla Allahi khudh biyadī
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by the hand.
قَــسَــمًــا بِــالــنَّــجْــمِ حِــيــنَ هَــوَى
مَــا الْــمُــعَــافَــى وَ الــسَّــقِــيــمُ سَــوَى
qasamanā biālnnajmi ḥiīna hawā
maāl muʿaāfa wal ssaqiīmu sawā
An oath was sworn "By the star when it declines";
Good health and sickness are not alike.
فَــاخْــلَــعِ الْــكَــوْنَــيْــنِ عَــنْــكَ سِــوَى
حُــبِّ مَــوْلَــى الْــعُــرْبِ وَالْــعَــجَــمِ
faākhlaʿil kawnayni ʿanka siwā
ḥubbi mawlal ʿurbi wal ʿajami
So divest yourself of the two universes,
except for Love for the Master of the Arabs and non-Arabs.
يَــا إِمَــامَ الــرُّسُــلِ يَــا سَــنَــدِي
أَنْــتَ بَـــابُ الــلــهِ مُــعْــتَــمَــدِي
yaā imaāmal rrusuli yaā sanadī
anta baābu Allahi muʿtamadī
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
فَــبِــدُنْــيَــايَ وَآخِــرَتِــي
يَــارَسُــولَ الــلــهِ خُــذْ بِــيَــدِي
fabidunyaāya wa ākhiratiī
yaārasuwla Allahi khudh biyadī
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by the hand.
سَــيِّــدُ الــسَّــــادَاتِ مِــنْ مُــضَــرٍ
غَــوْثُ أَهْــلِ الْــبَــدْوِ وَالْــحَــضَــرِ
sayyidul ssaādāti min muḍarin
ghawthu ahlil badwi wal ḥaḍari
He is the Master of Masters, from the people of Mudar,
The great helper of the people of desert and cities.
صَــا حِــبُّ الْآيَــاتِ وَالــسُّــوَرِ
مَــنْــبَــعُ الْأَحْــكَــامِ وَالْــحِــكَــمِ
ṣaā ḥibbul 'āyaāti wal ssuwari
manbaʿul aḥkaāmi wal ḥikami
He was given signs (ayat) and Suras,
He is the source of wisdom and Sacred Law.
يَــا إِمَــامَ الــرُّسُــلِ يَــا سَــنَــدِي
أَنْــتَ بَـــابُ الــلــهِ مُــعْــتَــمَــدِي
yaā imaāmal rrusuli yaā sanadī
anta baābu Allahi muʿtamadī
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
فَــبِــدُنْــيَــايَ وَآخِــرَتِــي
يَــارَسُــولَ الــلــهِ خُــذْ بِــيَــدِي
fabidunyaāya wa ākhiratiī
yaārasuwla Allahi khudh biyadī
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by the hand.
قَــمَــرٌ طَــابَــتْ سَــرِيــرَتُــهُ
وَسَــجَــايَــاهُ وَسِــيــرَتُــهُ
qamarun ṭaābat sarīratuhu
wa sajaāyaāhu wa siīratuhu
Like a moon, good and wholesome is his heart
his character and his way of life.
صَــفْــوَةُ الْــبَــارِي وَخِــيــرَتُــهُ
عَــدْلُ أَهْــلِ الْــحِــلِ وَالْــحَــرَمِ
ṣafwatul baārī wa khiīratuhu
ʿadlu ahlil ḥili wal ḥarami
He is the most pure and select of all people,
A righteous witness for people of right and wrong.
يَــا إِمَــامَ الــرُّسُــلِ يَــا سَــنَــدِي
أَنْــتَ بَـــابُ الــلــهِ مُــعْــتَــمَــدِي
yaā imaāmal rrusuli yaā sanadī
anta baābu Allahi muʿtamadī
O leader of all Prophets, o you my Support,
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
فَــبِــدُنْــيَــايَ وَآخِــرَتِــي
يَــارَسُــولَ الــلــهِ خُــذْ بِــيَــدِي
fabidunyaāya wa ākhiratiī
yaārasuwla Allahi khudh biyadī
In this my dunya and in my afterlife,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by the hand.
مَــا رَأَتْ عَــيْــنُ وَلَــيْــسَ تَــرَى
مِــثْــلَ طَــهَ فِــي الْــوَرَى بَــشَــرَا
maā rāat ʿaynu wa laysa tarā
mithla ṭaha fiīl warā basharā
No eye has seen, or ever will see,
A human being the like of TaHa.
خَــيْــرُ مَــنْ فَــوْقَ الــثَّــرَى أَثَــرَا
طَــاهِــرُ الْأَخْــلَاقِ وَالــشَّــيَــمِ
khayru man fawqal ththarā atharā
ṭaāhirul akhlāqi wal shshayami
He is the best who ever left traces on earth,
Pure in character and noble personal traits.