نَتَوَسَّلْ بِالحُبَابَةْ

ِ'Abdul Qādir Bin Salim Khardالسَيِّدُ عَبْدُ القَادِرِ بِن سَالِم الخَرِد
نَـــــتَـــــوَسَّـــــلْ بِـــــالـــــحُـــــبَـــــابَـــــةْ
وَ الـــــبَـــــتُـــــولِ الـــــمُـــــسْـــــتَـــــطَـــــابَـــــةْ
natawassal biālḥubaābah
wal batuwlil mustaṭaābah
We take the Beloved (i.e., Khadīja) as a means (to Allah),
as well as the Pure, Devoted one (i.e, Fāṭima)
وَ الـــــنَّـــــبِـــــي ثُـــــمَّ الـــــصَّـــــحَـــــابَـــــةْ
فَـــــعَـــــسَـــــى دَعْـــــوَةْ مُـــــجَـــــابَـــــةْ
wal nnabiī thummal ṣṣaḥaābah
faʿasa daʿwah mujaābah
and the Prophet, then the companions
so, perhaps it will be an answered prayer.
أَعْـــــظَـــــمُ الـــــزَّوْجَـــــاتِ قَـــــدْرَا
قَـــــدْ تَـــــلَـــــقَّـــــتْ مِـــــنْـــــهُ أَمْرًا
aʿẓamul zzawjaāti qadrā
qad talaqqat minhu amran
The greatest of the wives in rank
She received directly from him 'Recite!'
خَـــــطَـــــبَـــــتْ أَحْـــــمَـــــدَ بِـــــكْـــــرَا
غَـــــنِـــــمَـــــتْ مِـــــنْـــــهُ شَـــــبَـــــابَـــــهْ
khaṭabat aḥmada bikrā
ghanimat minhu shabaābah
She proposed to Aḥmad whilst he had never yet married
she received from him his youth
مَـــــالَـــــهَـــــا قَـــــدْ أَنْـــــفَـــــقَـــــتْـــــهُ
وَ لِـــــطَــهَ وَهَـــــبَـــــتْـــــهُ
maālahaā qad anfaqathu
wa liṭaha wa habathu
All her wealth, she spent it
and gifted it to Ṭāhā
دَثَّـــــرَتْـــــهُ زَمَّـــــلَـــــتْـــــهُ
هَـــــوَّنَـــــتْ عَـــــنْـــــهُ صِـــــعَـــــابَـــــهْ
daththarathu zammalathu
hawwanat ʿanhu ṣiʿaābah
She covered him and comforted him
and main easy for him his difficulties
قَـــــدْ حَـــــبَـــــاهَـــــا الـــــلّٰـــــهُ بُـــــشْـــــرَى
وَعَـــــلَـــــتْ ذِكْـــــراً وَ فَـــــخْـــــرَا
qad ḥabaāhaā Allahu bushrā
wa ʿalat dhikrāan wa fakhrā
Allah has granted her the greatest glad tidings
and she has excelled all in mention and honor
سَـــــعِـــــدَتْ دُنْـــــيَـــــا وَ أُخْـــــرَى
أَسْـــــلَـــــمَـــــتْ قَـــــبْـــــلَ الـــــصَّـــــحَـــــابَـــــةْ
saʿidat dunyaā wa ukhrā
aslamat qablal ṣṣaḥaābah
She has attained success in the the world and the Next
She embraced Islam before all the companions.
إِنَّ فِـــــي الـــــجَـــــنَّـــــةِ قَـــــصْـــــرَا
لِـــــخَـــــدِيـــــجَـــــةْ وَ هْـــــيَ أَحْـــــرَى
inna fiīl jannati qaṣrā
likhadījah wa hya aḥrā
Indeed, in Paradise is a palace
for Khadīja and she is most deserving
وَ عَـــــطَـــــايَـــــا الـــــلّٰـــــهِ تَـــــتْـــــرَى
فَـــــوْقَـــــهَـــــا مِـــــثْـــــلَ الـــــسَّـــــحَـــــابَـــــةْ
wa ʿaṭaāyaā Allahi tatrā
fawqahaā mithlal ssaḥaābah
The blessings of Allah are continuously descending
over her like the clouds
بِـــــسَـــــلَامِ الـــــلّٰـــــهِ فَـــــازَتْ
وَ رِضَـــــا الـــــرَّحْـــــمَـــــنِ حَـــــازَتْ
bisalāmi Allahi faāzat
wa riḍaāl rraḥmani ḥaāzat
She succeeded by receiving 'Peace' from Allah
and the good pleasure of the Most Merciful she acheived
وَ عَـــــلَـــــى الأَهْـــــوَالِ جَـــــازَتْ
لَـــــمْ يُـــــرَوِّعْـــــهَـــــا حِـــــسَـــــابَـــــةْ
wa ʿalal ahwāli jaāzat
lam yurawwiʿhaā ḥisaābah
She surpassed all terrors
and no reckoning will cause her fear
عَـــــاشَـــــرَتْ طَـــــهَ سِـــــنِـــــيـــــنَـــــا
أَنْـــــجَـــــبَـــــتْ مِـــــنْـــــهُ الـــــبَـــــنِـــــيـــــنَـــــا
ʿaāsharat ṭaha siniīnaā
anjabat minhul baniīnaā
She lived many years with Ṭāhā
birthing for him children
وَ الـــــكَـــــثِـــــيـــــرَ الـــــطَّـــــيِّـــــبِـــــيـــــنَـــــا
وَ بِـــــهَـــــا سَـــــالَـــــتْ شِـــــعَـــــابَـــــهْ
wal kathiīral ṭṭayyibiīnaā
wa bihaā saālat shiʿaābah
abundant and pure
and because of her, his family has spread
خَـــــصَّـــــهَـــــا الـــــمَـــــوْلَـــــى تَـــــعَـــــالَـــــى
بِـــــمَـــــزَايَـــــا تَـــــتَـــــوَالَـــــى
khaṣṣahaāl mawla taʿaāla
bimazāyaā tatawāla
The Master, Exalted is He, has blessed her
with great distinctions, one after another
زَادَهَـــــا مِـــــنْـــــهُ نَـــــوَالَا
فِـــــي جِـــــنَـــــانٍ مُـــــسْـــــتَـــــطَـــــابَـــــةْ
zādahaā minhu nawālā
fiī jinaānin mustaṭaābah
He increased her with extra blessings from Him
in Pure Gardens
وَ بِـــــهَـــــا مَـــــكَّـــــةُ بَـــــاهَـــــتْ
وَ عَـــــلَـــــى الـــــبُـــــلْـــــدَانِ تَـــــاهَـــــتْ
wa bihaā makkatu baāhat
wa ʿalal buldāni taāhat
Of her Mecca boasts
and has become paramount of other lands
وَ عُـــــطُـــــورُ الـــــخَـــــيْـــــرِ فَـــــاحَـــــتْ
بِـــــالـــــنَّـــــسَـــــابَـــــةْ وَ الـــــقَـــــرَابَـــــةْ
wa ʿuṭuwrul khayri faāḥat
biālnnasaābah wal qarābah
and the fragrances of goodness eminate
by affiliation and relationship
ذِكْـــــرُهَـــــا يُـــــحْـــــيِـــــي فُـــــؤَادِيْ
فَـــــهْـــــيَ رُكْـــــنِـــــي وَ عِـــــمَـــــادِيْ
dhikruhaā yuḥyiī fuādiy
fahya rukniī wa ʿimaādiy
Her mention brings life to my heart
She is my pillar and my support
حُـــــبُّـــــهَـــــا فِـــــي الـــــحَـــــشْـــــرِ زَادِيْ
وَ بِـــــهِ أَرْجُـــــو الـــــمَـــــثَـــــابَـــــةْ
ḥubbuhaā fiīl ḥashri zādiy
wa bihi arjuwl mathaābah
Love of her is my provision for the Gathering
and through her, I hope for reward
رَبَّـــــنَـــــا نَـــــسْـــــأَلَـــــكْ نَـــــظْـــــرَةْ
تَـــــنْـــــتَـــــفِـــــي عَـــــنَّـــــا الـــــمَـــــضَـــــرَّةْ
rabbanaā nasalak naẓrah
tantafiī ʿannaāl maḍarrah
O Lord, we ask your for a gaze
by which all harm will be averted
وَ تُـــــعَـــــجِّـــــلْ بِـــــالـــــمَـــــسَـــــرَّةْ
لَا تُـــــرَى فِـــــيـــــنَـــــا كَـــــآبَـــــةْ
wa tuʿajjil biālmasarrah
lā turā fiīnaā ka'ābah
and hasten all that brings joy
such that no tribulation remains for us.
أَرِنَـــــا وَجْـــــهَ الـــــرَّسُـــــولِ
وَ خَـــــدِيـــــجَـــــةْ وَ الـــــبَـــــتُـــــولِ
arinaā wa jhal rrasuwli
wa khadījah wal batuwli
Show us the face of the Messenger
Khadīja and the Devoted One
وَ بَـــــنِـــــي الـــــزَّهْـــــرَا الـــــفُـــــحُـــــولِ
رَبِّ عَـــــجِّـــــلْ بِـــــالْإِجَـــــابَـــــةْ
wa baniīl zzahrāl fuḥuwli
rabbi ʿajjil biālijaābah
and the elect children of the Radiant one (Fāṭima)
O Lord, hasten to respond (to our call)